Oil painting is one painting that has a most noble atmosphere among those decorative paintings, it is a pure handicraft and can be copied or created according to consumer’s needs,Its style is really unique. Now those popular subjects of oil paintings are usually landscapes, figures and quiet objects.
As the oil painting developed untill now,it has become more and more popular among people.Among modern decorative paintings,One terse oil painting without frame has striken the market of modern funiture in an unprecendented momentum.It got rid of the restriction of traditional decorative paintings.Its character is brilliant and fashionable so that it has become the trend of modern furniture decorations.
Now It’s difficult for us to summarize many existing problems because they are too complicated.Seeing from several large-scale exhibition of oil paintings in recent years, we can find a prominent phenomena:The color sense of oil painting is declining prevalently.the reason of which is that most of painters do not attach importance to skeching painting.Present painters are lazy and they always draw paintings by coping the picture.Even the students of art colleges also rarely draw sketching painting.
With the further development of oil painting’s techniques, some paintings used acrylic as bottom color or materials during the process of painting.And some high-tech mathods has been used in the creation of oil painting, such as projectors, On one hand,it helped people save tiome during the process of modeling.On the other hand,it also made people become dependent on projects and neglected the training of ability for sketching and modeling.What’s more,we used the technique of micro spurting to drawing and it would be codenemned in the professional art exhibitions.
Glass painting(cheap oil paintings) belongs to the category of oil painting reproductions,it seemes that the oil painting(Oil paintings for sale) covered in the glass, and the discount oil paintings is framed with timber seat and placed in a long narrow table or on the wall, It is not an elegant device, most of Paintings for sale and Oil Painting Reproductions are also the products of Republic of China in the late Qing Dynasty.
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